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Temple of Zeus
Temple of Zeus is committed to the restoration of True Satyanism. Temple of Zeus is the only true religion of mankind. True Satyanism is Spiritual Alchemy and of the Ancient Pagan religions that preceded Christianity, Islam and their root of Judaism for thousands of years.

JoS Tube - HP Cobra Videos
The "banned from everywhere" documentaries of Joy of Satan are now on air again.

Те отсюда, которых нет там же в русском варианте:

Exposing the enemies of humanity - the jews - with their nefarious programs of christianity, islam and communism for what they are: genocide of the best of the humanity and enslaving everyone else. For more info see: Death of communism https://www.deathofcommunism.com/en Joy of Satan Portal...
Я знаю, есть те, кто уже что-то начал, пожалуйста, отпишитесь, что Вы сейчас делаете, сюда или в личку.