Communism in Cuba and Latin America

Dedicated to the member of JoS forums and groups, Egon Albrecht, who helped me to make this site as it is, created header/banner for it and provided all the material on communism in Latin America and Brazil. Thank you, my Friend!!!

Shit Guevara

Jewess Dilma:
Murderer, Torturer and Robber of Brazilian People

CIA killed candidate to put racial jew in power

Communism in Latin America and the Military “Dictatorships”

“Hispanic” does not exist

Goy vs. Gentile: Dawn of Jewcy

This is a documentary about persecution of German descendants in Brazil during WWII:

Sem palavras/Speechless/Sprachlon – Documentário/Documentary/Dokumentarfilm

Com legendas em Português, clique em “CC” e escolha seu idioma…

With subtitles in English, click in “CC” and select your language…

Mit deutschen Untertiteln, klicken Sie auf “CC” und wählen Sie Ihre Sprache… (mit Grammatikfehler, “s” wurde durch “n” ersetzt)

Direção/Richtung/Director: Kátia Klock
– 2009
– 52 min.