Communism in Nepal

There should be no doubt that communism is a jewish program, just like christianity and Islam… I’ve gone over in many articles how almost all of the leaders in communist regimes were jewish, funded by jews or very jew influenced.. For more information visit

Communism is Jewish

Exposing Communist Criminals: They all are Jews

Communism in Nepal started in the form has a civil war, as it did in many other countries. The Nepali Civil War (labelled the People’s War by the Maoists, communists always try and make it seem like they are for the people. When in reality they do NOT care for the people only what they can gain by using them!) this was an armed conflict between government forces and Maoist rebels in Nepal which lasted from 1996 until 2006 [They say]. Both sides have been documented to have committed atrocities against the people of Nepal. “We were stuck in between. If the Maoists said to ‘give food’ and we refused they were angry. But if we helped the Maoists, the army was angry.” This war started by the communists are responsible for grave human rights abuses, including unlawful killings, torture, and enforced disappearances.

They have documented at least 17,800 causalities, at least 1,300 people missing, and an estimated 100,000 to 150,000 people were internally displaced as a result of the conflict (They did the same thing in Russia, and in Cambodia, forcibly removing people from their homes).

In November of 1990 the Communist Party of Nepal was formed, the new party adopted a line of “protracted armed struggle on the route to a new democratic revolution” and that the party would remain an underground party.

In 1994 Communist Party Nepal was split in two, the militant faction later renamed itself the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist). The Maoists labeled the government forces “feudal forces,” and this included the mainstream political parties. The armed struggle began soon afterward with simultaneous attacks on remote police stations and district headquarters. Controversy grew regarding the army not assisting the police during insurgent attacks in remote areas.

War was launched by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) on February 13th 1996 after being denied participation in a national election.

This situation changed dramatically in 2002 when the first session of peace talks failed and the Maoists attacked an army barracks in Dang District in western Nepal. Overnight, the army was unleashed against the insurgents, mobilizing both tanks and artillery.The government responded to the rebellion by banning provocative statements about the monarchy, imprisoning journalists, and shutting down newspapers accused of siding with the insurgents. [It’s the same situation over and over]

Pushpa Kamal Dahal, also known as, Prachanda (Which means the fierce one) was a communist who pushed the war and was involved with the:

Communist Party of Nepal (Fourth Convention)

Communist Party of Nepal (Masal) (1983–1984)

Communist Party of Nepal (Mashal) (1984–1991)

Communist Party of Nepal (Unity Centre) (1991–1994)

Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) (1994–present)

The Maoist guerrilla leader Pushpa Kamal Dahal was basically created and funded by Rothschilds (Jews). Prachanda was completely unsympathetic and showed no remorse about the deaths that his unfinished/failed revolution had caused. He described meeting with the relatives of young policemen and soldiers his party had killed. He said he had told them: “We are sorry, but this is a political process.” Also industrialists called a general strike in protest at Maoist “extortion,” but Prachanda describes the payments as “voluntary donations”.

Baburam Bhattarai, was underground and a leading figure of the Nepal Communist Party (Maoist) that has been waging the people’s war. His younger brother, Gyanendra, a Communist, was part of a scandal to assassinate the royal family. He was absent from the palace at the time of the massacre and of all those who stood between him and the throne. Gyanendra became king after the massacre and the death of King Dipendra. (Jewish media said he had shot himself)

Eye witness Reports from the Hidden and the Forgotten

Rape victims from the Nepal Civil war share their stories

Researchers met with dozens of women, a few of whom described rape and sexual assault that occurred when they were still children, including one who was 12-years-old at the time. Maoist combatants raped women who stood up to them and refused to support their party’s activities. In some cases we documented, women were targeted if they were found alone; in other instances, male relatives were nearby and could not or did not intervene.

Nepal’s government has acknowledged that women suffered rape during these years. Yet it has failed to deliver on its promise to end impunity for abusers, or to seek justice and reparations for victims of human rights violations. These include victims of sexual violence who are excluded from the Interim Relief Program that compensates individuals whose family members were killed or disappeared during the war.

A few women also described horrifying physical attacks, often preceding the rape. When Rekha resisted her attacker, a Maoist combatant, in 2003, he hit her so hard that the skin from her skull and forehead came off, and hung “like a curtain” in front of her face. She received 36 stitches.

Meena angered the Maoists because she refused to join their indoctrination programs. She was abducted in April 2004 while gathering wood in the jungle. She spent about four months with the Maoists, moving from place to place with them, and said she was repeatedly raped, including gang-raped, before she escaped.

“The first time I was raped was the day after my capture, in one of the goatherd huts.…Three of them came into the hut, and immediately one of them told me to take my clothes off.…They all three took turns raping me. Afterwards, they told me that I’d be killed if I dared tell anyone….

Villagers said that Maoists demanded food and shelter, and provided very little opportunity to refuse. The Maoists forcibly recruited people—including children—into combat.] Some women and girls recruited by the Maoists, forcibly or willingly, reported rapes by Maoist

During her time in captivity with the Maoists, Nirmala said she was raped several times. The first time she was raped was by a lake, in a hut set up by local goatherds. She described the first episode of sexual assault:

“I was raped by two Maoists that time. I recall another two kept sentry outside the hut. It was probably around 10 at night when three or four men entered the hut I was in. I was not asleep, just sitting there. One of the men told me to take my clothes off, and they slapped me when I refused. Then one of them grabbed my wrists and another one started to take my clothes off. I don’t remember who raped me first, but they took turns—one holding me down by my hands on the floor, while the other one raped me.”

In 2012 the parliament was setting up a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate wartime killings, torture and forced disappearances and is debating proposals to grant an amnesty for abuses by government and rebel forces [That means murderers and rapists get away with their crimes].

For victims who dare to report being raped, Nepal’s criminal justice system also acts as a barrier by imposing a 35-day reporting limitation rule from the date of the rape. Acknowledging that such a rule hampers access to justice, the Supreme Court of Nepal ordered the government to revise the rule, but there has been no progress to date.

After the so called end of the war…

Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai, who also heads the Army Integration Special Committee, told the committee on April 10th 2012, that the NA was going to move into all 15 PLA cantonments, take full control, and seize more than 3,000 weapons locked in containers lying there. In the first phase ( November 18th to December 1st 2011) of regrouping, a deal provided three options to former PLA combatants – integration, voluntary retirement and rehabilitation. 9,705 combatants opted for integration, 7,286 chose voluntary discharge, and six combatants registered their names for rehabilitation packages. Not to mention the rape victims who still suffer physical ailments from being raped, and nothing to help people deal with the psychological traumas.

As a result of the civil war, Nepal’s greatest source of foreign exchange, its tourism industry, suffered considerably. iExplore, a travel company, published rankings of the popularity of tourist destinations, based on their sales, which indicated that Nepal had gone from being the tenth most popular destination among adventure travelers, to the twenty-seventh. The communist’s war destroyed the economy and left many people broken, this is what communism does.


-Teloc Vovim