French President: To protect Jews is to protect France: President of France is Jewish owned Communist

“the Jews are at home in France and it’s the anti-Semites who don’t have a place in the Republic”

– President of France about French and Jews: who of them have and who have no place in France.

The President of France in a wave of boasting Judeo-Marxist rhetoric has agreed to grant the Jews the supremacist privileges they have been demanding over everyone else. The Jews will use any situation to push their agenda even the blow back off their EU open boarder polices for Europe. Big Jew, going keep on Jew’in. All people are equal but the Chosen People are more equal then everyone else. Its good to know the President of France is such a good Jewish owned Communist.

EU Jewish Agenda

Jewish leaders call for Europe-wide legislation outlawing anti-Semitism

Enjoy losing your freedoms to the Jews.

French President Hollande: To protect Jews is to protect France

NOTE! These are news of February 2015. On 7 January 2015 at about 11:30 local time, two brothers, Saïd and Chérif Kouachi, forced their way into the offices of the French satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris. Armed with assault rifles and other weapons, they killed 11 people and injured 11 others in the building. After leaving, they killed a French National Police officer outside the building. The gunmen identified themselves as belonging to the Islamist terrorist group Al-Qaeda’s branch in Yemen, who took responsibility for the attack, as well as “Islamic State” – both owned and ruled by jews namely Mossad agent, jew Elliot. French people are under attack of the judeo-islamic invaders, and till nowadays (2016) France is torn apart by non-stopping terrorist attacks against French.
French president is busy with fighting antisemitism online.

World Jewish Congress (WJC) President Ronald S. Lauder on Monday, Feb. 23, praised French President François Hollande for delivering a “great speech” at the CRIF dinner in Paris which he called a “rallying cry in the fight against hatred.” In his address to the dinner guests, Hollande announced the next steps in his plan to fight anti-Semitism in France, including protecting Jewish sites for as long as necessary and new measures to curb the dissemination of hate speech on the Internet.

“President Hollande has made it absolutely clear: Anti-Semitism, and any other form of hatred and racism, must not and will not be tolerated, and the entire country must mobilize against it. His speech sends a strong signal that France will not surrender to the forces of evil and that it is taking the leading role in fighting anti-Semitism and terrorism. We fully support President Hollande and his government in this endeavor,” Lauder declared.

“In recent months, the Jewish community in France – the largest in Europe – witnessed the worst attacks since the end of World War II. We all – Jewish, Muslim and Christian leaders, governments and the wider civil society – must work together to ensure that our freedoms are safeguarded and that the fight against terrorist and extremist of any form is won,” added Lauder.

Speaking at an annual dinner hosted by the country’s Jewish umbrella body CRIF, Hollande said that “in protecting its Jews, the Republic is protecting itself.” He emphatically said that “the Jews are at home in France and it’s the anti-Semites who don’t have a place in the Republic.” The president urged more European cooperation in the fight against jihadist terrorism.

Hollande also called for more effective punishment of anti-Semitic acts and urged measures against hate speech: “I want such speech to come under criminal rather than media law.” The French leader said that talks with the CEOs of the major Internet giants would soon take place in France to determine how to curb the dissemination of hate speech on the Internet.

“Not teaching about the Shoah would already mean denying it,” said Hollande, who vowed to strengthen Holocaust education in schools.

The 30th edition of the annual CRIF dinner was opened by the organization’s president, Roger Cukierman.