Remember the Elders of Zion such as Soros openly admitted they are behind destroying Europe. Well they are and Merkel is one them and a major leader in her Jewish race, and their Jewish race war on White Europe:
Jews at “Forefront of Welcoming” Invasion
Merkel was born Angela Dorothea Kasner in 1954 in Hamburg, West Germany, the daughter of Horst Kasner (1926–2011),[18][19] a native of Berlin, and his wife Herlind, born in 1928 in Danzig (now Gdańsk, Poland) as Herlind Jentzsch, a teacher of English and Latin. Her mother was the daughter of the Danzig politician Willi Jentzsch and maternal granddaughter of the city clerk of Elbing (now Elbląg, Poland) Emil Drange. Herlind Jentzsch was once a member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany and briefly served as a member of the municipal council in Templin following the German reunification.[20] Merkel has Polish ancestry through her paternal grandfather, Ludwig Kasner, a German national[21] of Polish origin from Posen (now Poznań).[22] The family’s original name Kaźmierczak was Germanized to Kasner in 1930
Kazmierczak is a Jewish surname:
Kazmierczak derives from Kazimierz, a major Jewish city in Poland, made especially for Jews outside of Cracow. Kazimierz (Latin: Casimiria; Yiddish Kuzmir) is a historical district of Kraków (Poland), best known for being home to a Jewish community from the 14th cent.
Kazmierrczak is a name for a Jewish Cantor:
This Jewish surname of KAZMIERCZAK was an occupational name for a cantor in a synagogue. The name was derived from the Hebrew CHAZAN, and it also spelt CHASAN, HAZZAN, KHAZAN, CHASINOFF, KHAZONIVCH and CHASINS, to name but a few. Many of the modern family names throughout Europe reflect the profession or occupation of their forbears in the Middle Ages and derive from the position held by their ancestors in the village, noble household or religious community in which they lived and worked. The addition of their profession to their birth name made it easier to identify individual tradesmen and craftsmen. As generations passed and families moved around, so the original identifying names developed into the corrupted but simpler versions that we recognise today. A notable member of the name was Elia KAZAN originally KAZANJOGLOUS, born in 1909, the Turkish-born American stage and film director, born in Constantinople. He founded (with Lee Strasberg) the Actors Studio in 1947 with its emphasis on ‘Method Acting’. His Broadway productions include the works of Wilder, Arthur Miller and Tennessee Williams. His films include ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ (1951) ‘East of Eden’ (1954) and ‘The Last Tycoon’ (1976). Between 1880 and 1914, almost three million Jews left Eastern Europe, representing the most extensive migration in Jewish history since the expulsion of Jews from Spain at the end of the 15th century. Most of the emigrants fled from Russia, where pogroms had raged, and where the laws of Czar Alexander III had oppressed Jewish life. Most of the emigrants departed from Hamburg and went to the United States, but some emigrated to Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Canada and South Africa. While the vast majority of the immigrants to America came through Ellis Island from 1907 to 1914 thousands of East European Jews participated in a little known episode in American Jewish history. They migrated through the port of Galveston, Texas and then were routed to towns throughout the Midwest where lodging and jobs awaited them.
Kazmierczak also means: “Son of Kazimeriz”.
As this Polish site states Kazimeirz is the name of the ethnic Jewish quarter and community:
The old Jewish Quarter is located in Kazimierz district, about 15 minutes of walking from the Main Square (following Starowiślna or Stradom Street). Kazimierz was established as the separate city nearby Krakow in 1335 by the king Kazimierz the Great. In 1495 a Jewish town was founded in the neighbourhood , where all the Krakow’s Jews moved after the routs that took place in the city. Jewish Kazimierz started developing as the trade and religious centre, what led to its heyday in the 16th-17th. Then the Polish Kingdom was the shelter for thousands of the Jews escaping from the persecutions and prejudice in different European countries. Krakow became the vivid international center of Jewish culture with numerous schools, Talmudic academy, famous rabbis, cabbalists, thinkers. In 1812 the Jews were allowed to settle down in all the districts of Krakow, several years later Kazimierz was incorporated into the city. Before World War II Krakow was inhabited by 65 thousands of Jews. It is worth reminding that before 1939 Poland with 3,5 million Jews, was the biggest Jewish community in Europe. Today the Jewish Community of Krakow has no more than 300 members.
Merkel’s grandfather came from Poznan which had one of the largest Jewish communities in Europe:
City in Wielkopolska province, Poland; known in Hebrew and Yiddish as Pozna and in German as Posen. Poznań’s Jewish community was one of the earliest to be established on Polish soil; the first reference to Jews living in the town comes from 1379. While tradition dates the town’s synagogue to 1367, there is no documented evidence of its existence until 1449 (the cemetery, however, was first mentioned in 1438). In the second half of the fifteenth century, a legend declared that in 1399 some Jews in Poznań had committed a Host profanation. The same period also saw the establishment of Poznań’s famed yeshiva, known as Lomde Pozna
Merkel also is Jewish from her mothers side of the family:
Emil Drange (born 18 March 1866, died 8 April 1913 in Elbing) was a German municipal official who served as the city clerk (Oberstadtsekretär) and deputy mayor of Elbing and thus as one of the top municipal officials of the city. He was the great-grandfather of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and has received media attention in Poland in recent years.
He was born in East Prussia. His father was a miller who had been born in Lower Silesia, and his mother was a native of the Posen (Poznań) area.[1] His wife Emma Wachs…..
Wachs Name Meaning German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): metonymic occupational name for a gatherer or seller of beeswax, from Middle High German wahs, German Wachs ‘wax’. Wax was important in former times, being used for example to make candles and for sealing letters.

As this shows her family and herself had important positions in the Communist Party State Of East Germany. Run by International Jews our of Moscow:
Born Angela Dorothea Kasner on 17 July 1954, her father, Horst Kasner was a Communist sympathiser and mother, Herlind Jentzsch, a Communist and member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany. Merkel was educated in East Germany and leader of the official, Communist-led youth movement Free German Youth (FDJ) thus well-schooled in Jewish Bolsheviks Marx, Lenin and Trotsky.
The biography of Merkel shows that she was “a supreme and very visible Young Communist official in East Germany, responsible for propaganda and agitation.” Beyond leading the Young Communist League, Merkel also held high rank in the Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschland (SED), which was the leading Marxist–Leninist party of East Germany. Members of this party enjoyed ‘special privileges’ denied to ethnic Germans in East Germany after WWII. For example only closely trusted members of the Communist party (SED) were allowed to travel to western countries and Merkel often travelled to West Germany and other Western Nations.
Merkel has visited Israel four times. On 16 March 2008, she arrived in Israel to mark the 60th anniversary of its occupation of Palestinian land. Merkel has supported all Israeli terror initiatives and Nude Merkelopposing the Palestinian bid for membership at the UN. In March of 2008 the B’nai B’rith of Europe presented Merkel with their Award of Merit for ‘services’ to their community. Angela Merkel disgusted by the German flagMerkel has also received the Leo Baeck Medal, awarded by the Leo Baeck Institute of New York City devoted to the history of German-speaking Jewry. It is interesting to note that while Merkel finds it “especially sad that some commentators seem to have lost any inhibitions in telling the Jewish community what is good for them”. She Boycott German_goodsnever commented on the eternal lack of inhibition the Jewish Community has for letting Germany and the rest of Europe know what they think is good for them. Merkel…The Perestroika DeceptionOn the 70th anniversary of the incursion into Poland in 2009 Merkel publically apologised and blamed Germany alone for starting WWII when it was international Jewry that sowed the seeds of this war in 1933 by inciting America and Europe to boycott German goods.
-High Priest Mageson666