The Ferguson race riots where fuelled by the Jewish controlled Media and funded by Globalist Jewish Elites. And it was done along the Social Marxist narrative Jews created and have been indoctrinating the populace with for decades in their Hollywood, Media, their control of the Campuses and on. This is divide and conqueror. To further work towards creating a Jewish World Communist Dictatorship. Remember every Communist front in America was run by Jews [many times KGB Jewish agents] under a “Liberal banner.”
For an in-depth view of this reality:
The Jewish Communizing of America
Sorros is openly Jewish born of a Jewish family.
Lets us first review Sorros and his fellow Jews role in the attempted Communist social revolution in America…..
Sorros was also the major Key Jew being the organized Protest Wall Street Movement. Which was an admitted attempt to start a open Communist social revolution in America. Which is the stated final goal of Social Marxist indoctrination.
Rabbi Bertram W. Korn:
“It would seem to be realistic to conclude that any Jew who could afford to own slaves and had need for their services would do so….Jews participated in every aspect and process of the exploitation of the defenseless blacks.”
“Jews and Negro Slavery in the Old South, 1789-1865,” in Abraham J. Karp, The Jewish Experience in America: Selected Studies from the Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society (Waltham, Massachusetts, 1969), pp. 184, 189. [Dr. Korn is a rabbi, historian; A.B., Cincinnati, 1939; Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati, Ordination M.H.L. 1949; Sr. rabbi, Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, 1949-; Chaplain, USNR, 1944-; Visiting professor, American Jewish History, Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, New York, 1962-; Honorary Overseer Gratz College of Pennsylvania; visiting professor, American Jewish History, Dropsie University of Pennsylvania; 1970-; Recipient Merit Award, American Association for State & Local History, 1969.]
Now why do Jews who ran the entire African slave trade on the protocols of their racial laws of the Talmud. And where over seventy five percent of the owners of Black Slaves in America and are responsible for the African Holocaust of a Hundred Million African Blacks. And who’s slave trade was only stopped by direct intervention of White Goyim like Lincoln and the Pan Western White Abolitionist movements that came from the original Free Masonic enlightenment. Which the Jews worked to ruin with the Jewish Illuminati, Jewish banks and Jewish Communism. The Jews now blame Whites for Jewish crimes when Whites stopped Jews enslaving Blacks and put the Jewish run Slave Trade out of business. Jews the Shit People.
The Jews are responsible for creating Racism against Blacks with the Curse of Ham that was used to legitimize slavery further when the Jewish Torah which forms the core of Jewish Christianity and was the basis for legitimacy of slavery and other tactic’s. But today we are supposed believe Jews care. When Jewish Elites rape Africa on a daily basis. And their Marxist Leaders like Mugabe, kill thousands of Blacks in their terrorist regimes. And the Jewish Mossad as the journalist Gary Web was killed for finding out, was behind the pour Drugs into the Black communities and created the culture of destruction of Black life which the Jews then promote in their Media and it was the gangs which formed out of this.
Jews Behind the Black Holocaust
Billionaire George Soros spent $33MILLION bankrolling Ferguson demonstrators to create ‘echo chamber’ and drive national protests
– Hedge fund mogul’s Open Society Foundations made huge donations
– Organizers bussed in from New York and D.C. to take over campaigning
– Different cash recipients would repeat each others’ messages
– Helped to keep events and messages at the top of news agenda
– Soros cash, from speculating on markets, is given to many liberal causes
Liberal billionaire George Soros donated $33million to social justice organizations which helped turn events in Ferguson from a local protest into a national flashpoint.
The handouts, revealed in tax filings from Soros’s private foundation, were given to dozens of different groups which weighed in on the crisis.
Organizers from professional groups in Washington, D.C., and New York were bussed into the Missouri town to co-ordinate messaging and lobby to news media to cover events using the billionaire’s funding.
The flood of donations were uncovered in an analysis of the latest tax return by Soros’s Open Society Foundations by the Washington Times.
The cash was reportedly funneled into keeping up numbers of protesters in the community over a period of months by bringing in outside activists.
Meanwhile papers from think tanks were disseminated to bring in extra coverage of the civil unrest, also linked to the police killings of Eric Garner in Staten Island and Tamir Rice, 12, in Cleveland, Ohio.
Outlets which covered the research, and the movements themselves, included one, Colorlines, which Soros himself has funded.
The slew of organizations reportedly created their own online ‘echo chamber’, by using their extensive social media presences to ‘like’, repost and comment on articles putting across their point of view.
The director of Soros’s fund said that they have no direct control over the groups they give to, and said they are all trying to improve accountability.

Bankrolled: Tax filings revealed that Soros pumped millions into groups that bussed protesters to Ferguson, Missouri, from around the country and co-ordinated campaigns to keep it in the media
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The words are reference to how contentious witness accounts describing how Michael Brown was raising his hands in surrender when Ferguson officer Darren Wilson shot him dead this August.
Soros also gave money to the Drug Policy Alliance, which worked on the perpetuation of the ‘black lives matter’ buzz phrase, which has been incorporated into speeches by political figures including Hillary Clinton.
The billionaire’s fortune was made from speculating on financial markets, most notably making more than $1billion in the 1990s helping cripple the British financial system by speculation on the pound sterling.
He is currently ranked at number 17 on the Forbes 400 richlist, with an estimated worth of $24billion.
Jewish Destruction Of Black America
-High Priest Mageson666