Died Eduardo Campos, candidate to presidency and strong supporter of the Jewish community in Brazil and to the communist ex-president Lula. Eduardo was competing for president against Aécio Neves and against the Jewess Dilma Rousseff. Most of his electors were against Dilma so they more than probably will vote for Aécio, probably finishing the 10 years government of the communist party known as “Workers Party”.
American journalist Wayne Madsen said Brazilian Presidential Candidate, Eduardo Campos, recently dead in a plane crash, was killed by the CIA (which is controlled by Jews, and share all info the get with the Mossad). Also note President Dilma Rousseff, who is a Jewess, took part in many murders and torture during the atempt of communist revolution in Brazil, and her workers party is openly a communist party. This time the Jews killed their own puppet, after he left the core party and gone to another one, competing against Lula/Dilma’s 10 years government.
*But note the journalist is deluded (or purposely lying) that Dilma’s government is “against” Obama, and the murder of Campos by CIA is somehow against Israel, and so that Dilma is a progressist in Latin america and against Israel. The point is the investigation on the CIA which is Jewish and Israeli owned.

Eduardo Campos (middle),
the liberal who believes the Jews “were very important to the development of Northestern Region”
Brazilian Presidential Candidate Eduardo Campos Likely Dead in Plane Crash
Shirley Li
A private jet reportedly carrying Brazilian presidential candidate Eduardo Campos crashed Wednesday in the city of Santos, a member of Campos’ political party said.
URGENT: Pres candidate Campos on board of aircraft crashed in Santos, Brazil – @ReutersLatam http://t.co/ojXi7TktMj pic.twitter.com/8fMEUjzOBV
— RT (@RT_com) August 13, 2014
Brazil’s Globo News has reported Campos has died, though the site did not say how the information was obtained. Friends and colleagues told the BBC they are “very worried” as they have not made contact with Campos since the crash. The Jornal de Hoje reported bad weather in the region, and that the plane also carried Campos’ wife and son.
The tweet below translates to “Brazilian presidential candidate Eduardo Campos dies after plane crash in Santos.”
Candidato a la presidencia de Brasil Eduardo Campos muere tras accidente de avión en Santos: reporte de Globonews TV
— Reuters Latam (@ReutersLatam) August 13, 2014
Witnesses said smoke is billowing from the crash site in a residential area of Santos. A police spokeswoman told the Agence France Presse there were “fatalities but we still do not have a number confirmed.” Firefighters told the BBC there were 10 “victims” but have not determined whether they’re injured or dead.
Guilherme Zeinum, a resident near Santos, told Brazilian news site G1 what he saw of the crash. “I heard a loud noise, followed by an explosion. I went to the window and I could just see black smoke,” he said. “I heard a noise like a turbine. It took a little while, about 10 minutes before I heard sirens heading towards the site.”
According to an Air Force statement, the plane lost contact with air traffic control while preparing to land. The Cessna 560XL plane had taken off from Rio de Janeiro’s domestic airport and was heading to the city of Guaruja, near Santos.
Campos’ running mate, Marina Silva, was not on board the plane, a source inside the political party told Reuters.
Campos had been running for president for the Brazilian Socialist Party, with the election due to take place in October. He had formerly been a governor of the northeastern state of Pernambuco as well as the minister of science and technology under former President Luiz Inacio Lula de Silva, and is one of three forerunners, with current polls putting him third behind both incumbent Dilma Rousseff and Aecio Neves, of the Brazilian Social Democracy Party.
Immediately following news of the crash, stocks in Brazil plunged. The country’s stock market had been rallying up 26 percent since the year’s lowest figures in March, as analysts speculated Rousseff would be defeated in the upcoming election. With a defeat, the new government would reduce intervention in state-owned companies.
“If Campos doesn’t run, all the polls we’ve seen so far become worthless,” Rogerio Freitas, a partner at hedge fund Teorica Investimentos, told Bloomberg. “Elections are the main driver for the market now, but without Campos, uncertainty increases. And market will only find a direction once new polls become available.”
The 49-year-old Campos had run on a business-friendly leftist platform, and had been a former ally to Rousseff before gunning for the presidency himself. In a November interview with The Economist, Campos spoke of his political goals:
Good management depends heavily on new politics. Distributing bits of wealth in complicity with political forces that are behind the times will never lead to good management of public resources. It will always lead to a lack of money that will be plugged by dipping into taxpayers’ pockets or company coffers.
All Factors Point to CIA Aerially Assassinating Brazilian Presidential Candidate
By Wayne Madsen
The plane crash that killed Brazilian presidential candidate Eduardo Campos, who was running in second place behind incumbent President Dilma Rousseff, has severely harmed Rousseff’s chances for re-election. Campos’s successor on the ticket, former Green Party leader Marina Silva, a George Soros puppet, now stands a very good chance of unseating Rousseff in an expected run-off election. Rousseff’s defeat would signal a victory for the Obama administration’s covert activities to eliminate from the scene progressive presidents throughout Latin America.
A review of post-World War II history reveals that of all the many ways intelligence services have used to eliminate political and economic threats, murder by plane crash rank in second place, just ahead of automobile accidents and poisoning, and only behind the use of firearms and munitions, as the Central Intelligence Agency’s favorite modus operandi for political assassination.
The aerial assassinations of United Nations Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold, Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana, Burundian President Cyprien Ntaryamira, Portuguese Prime Minister Francisco sá Carneiro, Pakistani President Muhammad Zia Ul-Haq, prospective Indian Prime Minister Sanjay Gandhi, American United Auto Workers’ Union President Walter Reuther, former Texas Senator John Tower, and Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone all bore the markings of the involvement of one or more U.S. intelligence agencies in putting ends to political careers that threatened the underpinnings of Imperial America.
Latin America, in particular, has been plagued by plane crashes that have killed two leaders who were determined to pull away from American political influence, President Jaime Roldos Aguilera of Ecuador and President Omar Torrijos of Panama. Both leaders died in 1981, with Roldos dying just a few months before Torrijos. John Perkins, the author of «Confessions of an Economic Hitman» and a former member of the U.S. intelligence community, fingered the United States in both plane crash assassinations.
This background of U.S. involvement in aerial assassinations makes the August 13 crash of the Cessna 560XLS Citation aircraft in Santos, Brazil, which killed pro-business Brazilian Socialist Party presidential candidate Campos, his aides, and the crew, all that more suspicious, The timing of the crash, during an election campaign that had favored an easy victory for Rousseff, has raised significant questions among Brazilian investigators and the general public.
Since its introduction in 1996, the Cessna 560XLS Citation model has enjoyed a perfect safety record. The sudden death of Campos upended the Brazilian presidential election campaign in a manner that may benefit the United States and the Central Intelligence Agency’s long-range agenda for Latin America.
Disturbing questions are being raised about the ownership of the aircraft bearing the tail number PR-AFA. The plane’s murky record of owners and registration, along with the lack of cockpit voice recordings thanks to an apparent malfunction in the plane’s cockpit voice recorder, has a number of Brazilians wondering whether the plane was sabotaged by the United States. Rather than having the recording of the conversations of Campos’s flight crew, the recorder only had the voice recordings from a previous flight.
The plane was flying en route from Rio de Janeiro-Santos Dumont Airport to Guaruja when it crashed in a residential area of Santos.
The plane was operated by AF Andrade Enterprises and Holdings, which is based in Ribeirão Preto in Sao Paulo state, but leased from Cessna Finance Export Corporation, a division of Textron, a major U.S. defense and intelligence contractor. Cessna is a division of Textron. The malfunctioning cockpit voice recorder was manufactured by another U.S. defense and intelligence contractor, L-3 Communications. AF Andrade’s business is centered on its ownership of a distillery. A spokesman for AF Andrade said the $9 million aircraft had not been recently inspected but stressed that it had a perfect maintenance record.
However, the spokesman for AF Andrade could not specifically state who owned the aircraft but admitted that it, but likely only the lease, was up for sale and had recently been purchased by a group of «factory owners and importers» from Pernambuco. Campos was a former governor of Pernambuco.
The purchasers turned out to be a consortium that included Bandeirantes Tires, Ltd. The tire company said that negotiations on transferring ownership were ongoing when the plane crashed and that Cessna Finance Export Corporation had not yet approved the final leasing rights. Brazilian observers believe the Cessna that crashed was a «ghost plane», with murky ownership in order to cover up the plane’s use for covert operations involving the CIA. Similar planes with spotty ownership and registration records were used by the CIA to rendition kidnapped Muslims for interrogation and imprisonment at American «black sites» around the world.
The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) sent a team to Brazil to investigate the plane crash. However, if the NTSB’s performance on such crashes as TWA 800 and American Airlines 587 is any indication, the agency only excels at cover-ups of criminal actions.
Campos was replaced on the ticket by Silva, who is a darling of the Soros-financed and directed globalization and «civil society» movement. Silva, who is a pro-Israeli adherent of the Assemblies of God Pentecostal church, is much more pro-business and pro-American than Rousseff of the left-leaning Brazilian Workers’ Party. Recently, Rousseff, along with her fellow BRICS leaders from Russia, India, China, and South Africa, created a new development bank that challenges the supremacy of the U.S.-run World Bank. The creation of the bank infuriated Washington and Wall Street.
Silva, who may be enjoying more than a mere sympathy vote, recently gained in polls against Rousseff. The Brazilian president is seen by Washington as an adversary, especially after details were leaked by Edward Snowden of massive National Security Agency surveillance of the Brazilian president.
If Rousseff were forced into a run-off with Silva as either first or second-place finisher in the first round, Aecio Neves, of the conservative Social Democratic Party has stated he would endorse Silva if he comes in third. The political arithmetic could then spell trouble for Rousseff, who would have likely glided to victory had it not been for Silva’s advancement to the head of the Socialist Party ticket. Silva’s vice presidential running mate is Beto Albuquerque, whose «civil society» credentials in consumer and human rights protection indicates a Soros «upbringing».
The current polls for the October 5 first round is Rousseff with 36% of the vote, Silva with 21%, and Neves with 20%. However, with Neves out of the race in the scheduled October 26 second round, some polls show Silva beating Rousseff 47% to 43% while others show Silva defeating Rousseff by a staggering 9%. Of course, opinion polls are no longer independent but corporate and Western intelligence agency contrivances used to sway public opinion and engage in the «predictive programming» of entire populations.
The favorable outcome for Silva as a result of the possible aerial assassination of Campos and his aides has many suspicious about the CIA’s role in the plane crash, especially after CIA fingerprints were discovered on presidential aerial assassinations of Torrijos and Roldos in 1981. Just this past February, the presidential helicopter normally used by Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa, a strong opponent of Washington’s policies and an ally of Rousseff, crashed in the mountains on a flight from Guayaquil to Quito. Correa’s personal pilot was killed in the crash. Correa, who was addressing a campaign rally at the time of the crash, stressed that he was not scheduled to be on the flight of the Indian-made Dhruv helicopter. However, the suspicion of CIA sabotage could not be suppressed among the Ecuadorian population.
Silva is being touted as Brazil’s «Third Way» candidate. Third Way is an international movement that has been used by corporate politicians, many of them financed by Soros, to infiltrate and take over historically pro-labor, socialist, and progressive parties. The Third Ways’ most notable politicians include Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Germany’s Gerhard Schroeder, Canada’s Justin Trudeau, French Prtesident Francois Hollande, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, Italy’s Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and former Prime Minister Romeo Prodi, Portugal’s Jose Socrates, Israel’s Ehud Barak, and officials of the Brazilian Socialist, Green, and Social Democratic parties, including Silva, Neves, the late Eduardo Campos, and former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso. However, when it becomes advantageous to assassinate one Third Wayer in order to promote another, there is no problem to eliminate someone like Campos in order to make way for a more popular (and controlled) politician like Silva, especially when the interests of Israel and Wall Street are at stake.
The Cessna carrying Portuguese Prime Minister Sá Carneiro, which crashed while the prime minister was flying to a re-election rally in Porto, destroyed the leftist Democratic Alliance’s future prospects because the two Sá Carneiro loyalists who succeeded him lacked his charisma. Eventually, Mario Soares, a Third Way and pro-NATO «socialist-in-name-only», a «SINO», became prime minister and ushered Portugal down the path of «Third Way» subservience to a united Europe and globalization. The ambassador to Portugal at the time of Sá Carneiro’s death was CIA officer Frank Carlucci, whose fingerprints were on the 1961 assassination of former Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba in the Congo. Carlucci became deputy director of the CIA, and National Security Adviser and Defense Secretary under President Ronald Reagan. Carlucci is also the chairman emeritus of the CIA-connected Carlyle Group. The suspicious death of Campos in Brazil appears to be a carbon copy of the CIA’s quick dispatch of Sá Carneiro, with Rousseff the ultimate target of the action and Silva and her globalist backers as the beneficiaries.
Another Suspicious Plane Crash in Latin America Bolsters American and Globalist Interests
By Wayne Madsen
Brazil’s scheduled October presidential election was seen as a virtual cake walk for incumbent President Dilma Rousseff. That was until a plane crash killed Rousseff’s rather lackluster opponent, economist and former governor of Pernambuco, Eduardo Campos. On August 13, it was reported that the plane carrying Campos, a Brazilian pro-business centrist presidential candidate who was running third behind the more conservative Social Democratic Party candidate Aecio Neves, an economist and champion of austerity, crashed into a residential area of Santos in Sao Paulo state, Brazil. Campos was the candidate of the formerly leftist but now «pro-business» Brazilian Socialist Party. As with the British, Australian, and New Zealand Labor Parties, the Canadian Liberal and New Democratic Parties, and the U.S. Democratic Party, corporate and Zionist interests infiltrated the Brazilian Socialist Party and largely transformed it into a «Third Way» pro-business party fraudulently retaining the use of the «socialist» designation.
It is clear that since disclosures of U.S. National Security Agency spying on the e-mail and phones of incumbent Brazilian Workers’ Party President Dilma Rousseff and her ministers, Rousseff’s resultant cancellation of a state visit to Washington, and Brazil’s hosting of Russian President Vladimir Putin and other BRICS economic bloc leaders at a recent summit in Fortaleza, the United States has been trying to destabilize Brazil. The State Department and the CIA have been looking for weak links in Rousseff’s Brazil to create the same conditions of instability they have fomented in other countries in Latin America, including Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina (through a national credit default engineered by Zionist vulture capitalist Paul Singer), and Bolivia. However, Rousseff, who antagonized Washington by announcing, along with other BRICS leaders in Fortaleza, the establishment of a BRICS development bank to compete with the U.S.- and European Union-controlled World Bank, looked unbeatable for re-election. That certainly was the case until August 13 when Campos and four of his campaign advisers, along with the pilot and co-pilot, were killed in the crash of the Cessna 560XL, killing all on board.
The crash advanced to the head of the Socialist Party presidential ticket Campos’s vice presidential running mate, Marina Silva. In 2010, Silva received a surprising 20 percent of the vote for president as the Green Party candidate. Rather than run as the Green candidate this year, Silva opted to join Campos’s pro-business ticket. Silva is now seen as the Socialist Party’s best chance to defeat Rousseff for president in the October election. Silva, an evangelical Christian in a largely Roman Catholic country, is also seen as close to the global «civil society» infrastructure of «controlled opposition» groups financed by hedge fund master manipulator George Soros. As a leader of Brazil’s Amazon rain forest protection efforts, Silva has been lauded by environmental groups funded by Soros’s Open Society Institute. Silva’s campaign rhetoric is rife with such Soros code phrases as «sustainable society», «knowledge society,» and «diversity».
Silva marched with the Brazilian team at the opening ceremonies of the 2012 Olympics in London. Brazilian Sports Minister Aldo Rebelo said that Silva’s participation in the Olympics was approved by the British royal family and that she «always had good relations with the European aristocracy».
Silva is also more moderate than Rousseff on Israel’s policies toward Palestine. As an Assemblies of God Pentecostal Christian, Silva is a member of a denomination that provides core membership for the worldwide movement of «Christian Zionists» who are as avidly as pro-Israel as such Zionist Jewish organizations as B’nai B’rith and the World Jewish Congress.
The Assemblies of God believe the following about Israel:
«According to Scripture, Israel has an important role to play in the end-times. For centuries Bible scholars pondered over the prophecy of a restored Israel. ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will take the Israelites out of the nations where they have gone. I will gather them from all around and bring them back into their own land.’ When the modern nation of Israel was founded in 1948, and Jews began returning from all around the world, Bible scholars knew that God was at work and that we were very likely living in the last days».
In 1996, Silva was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize, which was established by Goldman Insurance Company founder Richard Goldman and his wife Rhoda Goldman, an heir to the Levi Strauss clothing company fortune. In 2010, Silva was named by Foreign Policy magazine, edited by David Rothkopf, a former managing director of Kissinger Associates, to its list of «top global thinkers».
The full details of the cause of Campos’s plane crash may never be known. Assisting in the investigation of the crash is the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the Federal Aviation Administration. NTSB and FAA investigators will assuredly be in-briefed and out-briefed by CIA officials stationed in Brasilia who will be eager to have a conclusion of «tragic accident» stamped on the final crash report.
The CIA has managed to cover up its involvement in other Latin American aircraft crashes that have eliminated opponents of U.S. imperialism in Latin America. On July 31, 1981, Panamanian President Omar Torrijos was killed when his Panamanian Air Force plane crashed near Penonomé, Panama. After George H. W. Bush’s invasion of Panama in 1989, the Panamanian plane crash investigation documents held by the Panamanian government of General Manuel Noriega were reportedly seized by American military personnel and they disappeared.
Two months before Torrijos was killed, Ecuadorian President Jaime Roldos, a populist leader who stood up to the United States, was killed when his Super King Air plane, operated as a VIP aircraft by the Ecuadorian Air Force, crashed into Huairapungo Mountain in Loja Province. The plane also carried the First Lady of Ecuador and the Defense Minister and his wife. They were all killed in the crash. The plane lacked a Flight Data Recorder, also known as a «black box.» The Zurich, Switzerland police conducted their own investigation that discovered the official Ecuadorian government investigation was seriously flawed. For example, the Ecuadorian government report on the crash failed to mention that the plane’s engines were disabled before the aircraft plowed into the side of the mountain.
As with Roldos’s plane, Campos’s Cessna did not have a flight data recorder. Moreover, the Brazilian Air Force announced that two hours of audio from the cockpit voice recorder on board Campos’s Cessna do not reflect the conversations between the pilot, co-pilot, and ground control on August 13. The cockpit voice recorder on board the ill-fated Cessna 560XL was manufactured by L-3 Communications, Inc. of New York City. L-3 is a major U.S. intelligence contractor that provides the National Security Agency with much of its undersea cable tapping capabilities through an NSA agreement with L-3’s Global Crossing subsidiary.
Although Brazilian presidential hopeful Campos was no enemy of the United States, his suspicious death a few months before the presidential election and replacement with a darling of the George Soros infrastructure, now poses an electoral threat to Rousseff, who is most definitely considered an enemy by Washington. The U.S. and Soros have been looking for various ways to penetrate and disrupt the BRICS nations. The Soros/CIA attempt to advance Chinese Politburo member Bo Xilai into the Chinese presidency collapsed when he and his wife were arrested and jailed for corruption. With Russia and South Africa off-limits for any similar intrigue, India and Brazil are the focus for CIA and Soros disruption of BRICS. Although Narendra Modi’s right-wing government in India is new, the early signs for BRICS disruption are encouraging. For example, India’s Foreign Minister, Sushma Swaraj, as an outspoken and committed ally of Israel. Brazil under Rousseff is seen by the CIA and Soros as the best opportunity to insert one of their own, in this case, Marina Silva, into the leadership of a BRICS nation in order to exact a «Trojan horse» attack on the increasingly important economic bloc.
The plane crash that killed Eduardo Campos helped advance a George Soros-funded operative closer to the Alvorada presidential palace in Brasilia.
-Egon Albrecht